Sunday, April 5, 2009


Fighting for PTK and surrounding areas has ground to an end. Over 420 Tamil tiger dead bodies have been recovered so far, with many of their iconic leaders among them. Most of these individuals who were known by one name, as is the case with most terrorist groups but did raise adequate fear among the civillian population they controlled with an iron fist and creative brutality. These front line LTTE cadres were probably left behind by their leadership with the intention of carving out a beach head for a counter-strike into the area. However they proved no match for the forces arrayed against them.

The LTTE leader and his intelligence leader Pottu are said to have escaped from the liberated area and are currently hiding among civillians in the 'no fire' zone. A few skirmishes on the lagoon seperating the SLDF occupied area has resulted in the sea-tigers being annihilated.

The SLDF is currently inventorizing the massive arsenal of captured weapons, some of which had not been known to be in the tigers' possession. Also found abandoned by the LTTE leadership are many of their personal documents and other items of significant intelligence value. Also over 110 cadres surrendered to the SLDF and they are talking. Unlike in previous occasions, the LTTE leaders were unable to prevent this from happening due to the speed of the military assault and for the siginificantly high numbers willing to surrender.

1 comment:

TropicalStorm said...

In a final tally, 623 LTTE cadres have now been confirmed killed in this confrontation.

One single day's work seems to have broken the back of the LTTE, and precipitated its end.