Wednesday, April 22, 2009


FOR the second consecutive day thousands of civillians previously held hostage by the LTTE terrorists have been escaping and pouring into Sri Lanka government controlled areas. Consequent to the dissection of the hostage zone by the Sri Lankan Defence Forces, the LTTE hardcore is now holed up in a very small area of less than 4sq.miles with a fairly large group of civillians held hostage. In opening the escape routes, Special Forces snipers eliminated a over a dozen tamil tigers who were guarding these areas within a very short time. With over 100,000 rescued, Sri Lankan forces have already created a world record of unprecedented size and complexity in a single massive hostage rescue operation.

SL Military sources estimate the number of persons still held by the LTTE terrorists to amount to around 40,000 civillians, some of who may be residing willingly with the terror group due to their past allegiances and criminal activities against the Sri Lankan state.

In the meanwhile the SL government pulled an effective diplomatic coup against nations led by Norway and to some extent the US, who were demanding an immediate cease fire. A group of diplomats from US, UK, France, Russia, China and India were allowed to view live UAV footage of the unfolding rescue drama during which LTTE artillery and tank attacks on the columns of escaping civillians were witnessed by them. While in some instances civillians being shot by the LTTE could be seen dropping by the wayside, Sri Lankan soldiers were seen rushing in and carrying the injured to safety.

In another area covered by the airborne surveillance platform, thousands of civillians herded like animals by the LTTE could be seen forced to the sea shore and being made to stand on the very edge of the beach with waves washing around their feet. Intermittantly the LTTE goons were seen firing at or beating persons attempting escape while several immobile bodies were lying where they fell.

In response to live hostage scenes witnessed by foreign diplomats, France has suggested a joint mission along with Britain to rescue the remaining civillians held by the LTTE in close proximity to the sea beach. However no military action is envisaged by either force, which raises the question as to how it is to be accomplished. Sri Lanka would do well to be cautious of meddling foreigners with bleeding hearts.

In yet another development two top ranking tamil tigers who have the added title of 'master' to their name surrendered to the security forces. This is the first such instance of such a high level surrender which will allow the SLDF to use their testimony as evidence. This is also proof that while expecting subordinates to commit suicide rather than surrender, the top rung tiger cowards are not prepared to do so themselves.

Civillians who agreed to be interviewed also spoke of the Tamil Tigers executing at least 20 of their seriously injured cadres to prevent their surrender to the Sri Lankan forces. Some civillians are currently attempting to cut deals for their associates and relatives within the LTTE ranks to facilitate their surrender and safety.

The end of the despotic terror empire is coming fast and in strange ways resembles witness accounts of similar historic events elsewhere in the world. Endgame could be within hours, or at most a few days from now.

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