Saturday, February 14, 2009


There are many who are expressing their opinions and supporting a 'go to hell' attitude for the Sri Lankan government to adopt with those pesky and 'interfering foreigners and colonials'.

The hard fact is, it is not that simple.

The Brits, Indians and others arn't getting concerned for nothing. And let's stop kidding ourselves; they are not being colonial, neither benevolent towards insignificant, black skinned tamils who speak with a horrible accent and have a history of even horrific brutality against their own kind.

Their problem is with their own domestic concerns. They've slept with mongrels and now its time to wake up with the fleas. LTTE getting decimated in SL could make the 'immigrants' in their own little home towns go ballistic, and the occasional suicide bombing could happen in a, let's say, a crowded train. This is a scary reality the western politicians who have sizeable and potentially dangerous tamil populations are waking upto and realizing with horror. And it is not because they do not care about anyone else. They care about themselves more, and their main yet unexpressed concern is for their own safety.

This is why it behooves SL to walk the diplomatic line diligently, softly and yet carry a big stick. NO can be said politely, empathetically while being emphatic.

Arrogance isn't clever. It is plain stupid. Especially when there's so much at stake and a much easier and better way is available.
[Sandman, in Asian Tribune]

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