Friday, November 28, 2008


THE much spculated upon Nov 27th came and passed in Sri Lanka with hardly any fireworks from the LTTE. Many proponents of the terrorist outfit promised a spectacular display of power from the LTTE, but even the Tigers' much anticipated live telecast was interrupted by a last minute air strike by the SLAF against the last remaining broadcast tower somewhere in Killinochchi. The terror chief, now a whining pussy since meeting a real army in combat, pleaded for help from an insensitive Indian establishment and begged for support from anyone who would be ignorant enough to do so. The SLA's 57th and 58th divisions entered downtown Killinochchi and started mopping up operations with scarcely any media coverage.

In the meanwhile, November 27th brought fireworks to Mumbai. Well trained and armed terrorists struck at least 10 locations in a synchronized strike, killing over 160 and wounding hundreds. Among the dead are citizens of US, UK, Japan and Israel, some of whom were singled out for slaughter. The attacks which started around mid-day on Nov 27th continued well into Friday the 29th with the Indian commandoes still struggling to overpower a single gunman holding up a number of hostages. Perhaps overcome by a combination of fatigue, sleeplessness and running out of ammunition, the last of the attackers was killed by Indian commandos three days later.

The Indians bungled from start to finish in this sorry spectacle watched by a global audience. The attackers obviously outclassed the Indians in every aspect of the fight and left everyone feeling sorry for the average Indian, who depends on such incompetents for security. Throughout the entire episode, the level of high descipline of the attackers and the lack thereof of the Indian armed forces was obvious.

The first Indian responders arrived armed with olde worlde .303 rifles and some carrying sticks. The majority hid behind vehicles while the others stared or walked around. There was no visible command structure in existance to deal with the very credible terrorist threat even hours after the firing had started. The local anti-terror cheif was seen in hurried discussions with a number of individuals, after which he entered the Taj Mahal Hotel, to be promptly gunned down by the attackers. He and the other two senior military personnel were dead even before any cohesive counter action could commence. Much later, ordinary military was seen swarming into the hotel carrying a variety of assault weapons, AK47 and T-56 types, none of which are suitable for close quarters combat in a hostage setting.

Much later, an Mil-17 helicopter was seen hovering over the Jewish Center, in which a number of hostages were held by the attackers. The chopper hovered for at least 5-10 minutes while the commandoes rappelled down like a group of old ladies on a picnic and giving ample warning to the terrorists of their arrival. The helo was well within small arms range, was hovering for an unnecessarily long period of time and could have easily become a funeral pyre for the entire strike team, had the terrorists decided to carry out a pre-emptive strike on them. Fortunately they didn't, but the loudly announced arrival of the commando force sealed the fate of the hostages, as all of them were later found shot dead.
Given the failure to control crowds effectively, it is also quite possible that some attackers may have simply dropped their weapons and merged into the swarming crowds, to fight yet another day. If so, India's problems may not have ended yet, even while they seem to quickly assume so.

The short and long term outcomes of the Indian 9/11, as this is termed by western media, will have a profound effect in the region. The Indians were tested and were found lacking and have demonstrated a dangerous degree of incompetence in dealing with a modern day threat scenario. At this point, it appears the next attack targetting India could be a matter of time, given the glaring weaknesses in their defensive apparatus. India needs help and must listen to and learn from friends. Sri Lanka and Israel could be two formidable sources of knowledge for the Indians to learn from.

The effect of this attack on India will also have a massive impact on how they view terrorism in the region, including in Sri Lanka. The SLG's military campaign against the LTTE will now find a more staunch supporter in India, while the Tamilnadu tamil extremist base would be left without any credible excuse to support terrorism in Sri Lanka.


NOLTTE=Peace said...

I am wondering where is that idiot Narayan when this Indian 911 was happening?

That Narayan has a constant fear of Sri Lanka ramming his arse than other enemies of India.

He lives in Sri Lankan paranoia where he thinks Sri Lanka is there to hurt India, but the reality is the total opposite.

Hope India has learned its lessons of not to help terrorists (like LTTE as they did earlier) from this incident.

TropicalStorm said...

Looks like Narayanan is one of the high profile victims of the outcome.

The Indian PM had no hesitation in accepting his resignation, while there's some hesitation over Patel's.

What goes around comes around, and Narayanan's fall from grace is fatal. Wave good bye to the arrogant son of a bitch as he takes his final ride into obscurity.