Thursday, October 23, 2008


AS the nattami circus in Tamilnadu fizzles out with the Indian bureaucracy taking a firm stance with the cooperation of the well established south Indian policy makers, the Sri Lankan Defence Forces have commenced the thrust into LTTE held area.

Although taking Killinochchi has its propaganda value and would be a tremendous blow to the racist Tamil movement, it lacks real strategic value. Bypassing K'nochchi and taking Paranthan instead would allow the security forces greater tactical and strategic advantage.

On the coastal front, Division 58 has almost reached Pooneryn, capturing which would complete sea denial to the LTTE on the eastern sea board. Taking Pooneryn would also open the Kilali region to naval dominance and allow Divisions 53 and 54 in the peninsular to go active.

There is also speculation about a prominant LTTE leader's possible defection soon. The LTTE forces getting boxed in on the western divide of the A9 highway will soon face the reality of either surrendering or death. Middle level LTTE leaders who are now becoming disillusioned with the movement are expected to take advantage of this situation to surrender to the SLDF.

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