Sunday, August 10, 2008


THE army continues to do its job with scarcely concealed relish. Early sunday morning they undertook a devastating hunter-killer op deep inside enemy controlled territory in Kilali, eliminating 16 terrorists.
Meanwhile the UN is making arrangements to care for over 200,000 civillians expected to be displaced as the Tamils caught up in LTTE areas manage to escape as the Army extends its areas of control. The LTTE is digging in furiously but is unable to face attacks by the Army's specialized small teams that visit them with devastating fire power. The SLAF kicked in taking out 3 identified logistical and intel targets across the northern battle front. The videos of the airstrikes, now available on the website are thrillers to watch. An unmanned probe (UAV) which crash landed in Anuradhapura has been recovered and is declared operational.
The government in the meanwhile is apparently unable to reign in its own in-house terrorist; the self-appointed 'doctor' Merv the Perv. Irrespective of highly publicized reprimands even by the President, this scoff-law and his bandit troops operate freely, as freewheeling gun-slingers against all and sundry. Even the Speaker of the Parliament appears to be unable to contain his virulent outbursts and the nation suffers one indignity after another as its intelligentsia and media are subjected to attacks by this rabid creature.

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