Monday, February 18, 2008


The great Chinese strategist SUN-TZU said the following...;

...War may be defined as punishment, which is one of the
functions of government. It was the profession of Chung Yu
and Jan Ch`iu, both disciples of Confucius. Nowadays, the
holding of trials and hearing of litigation, the imprisonment
of offenders and their execution by flogging in the market-
place, are all done by officials. But the wielding of huge
armies, the throwing down of fortified cities, the hauling of
women and children into captivity, and the beheading of
traitors -- this is also work which is done by officials.
The objects of the rack and of military weapons are
essentially the same. There is no intrinsic difference
between the punishment of flogging and cutting off heads in
war. For the lesser infractions of law, which are easily
dealt with, only a small amount of force need be employed:
hence the use of military weapons and wholesale decapitation.
In both cases, however, the end in view is to get rid of
wicked people, and to give comfort and relief to the good....

In contemporary Sri Lanka, the struggle to deliver the democratic and pluralistic majority society's aspirations and desire for peaceful co-existance has necessitated the use of military action towards disarming of the Tamil terrorist group LTTE. It is the duty of those who wish to see a peaceful settlement within Sri Lanka that would allow all communities to prosper, to support the government in its endeavor.

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