Thursday, July 10, 2008


THE increased focus by Sri Lankan Defence Forces to capture the last remaining LTTE sea-route on the Western sea-coast rings the death knell to the seperatist terrorist struggle in Sri Lanka. Successful encirclement and sea access denial will prevent the LTTE from being able to replenish its stocks in the face of an imminent on-slaught against their remaining strongholds.

Tamil Tiger efforts to get India involved in pressurizing SLG to at least temporarily halt offensives could see a spike soon for this very reason. India's objective and hands-off policy towards every efforts made by the LTTE so far through its intermediaries must be indeed infuriating to the Tiger chief who has so far evaded any personal repurcussions for ordering the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi, at the same time expecting a successful campaign from Tamilnadu to force an Indian intervention.
In the meanwhile, there is strong evidence that the LTTE sympathetic lobby in the USA is attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public and its law makers by creating a picture of a similarity between the situation in Burma and Sri Lanka. The following comments appearing in the authoritative internet publication carry a further confirmation of this fact;
"Ron Harvey - Tamil Tigers attempting to camoflage themselves by hiding behind other legitimate movements 7/10/2008 8:27:25 PM

Coming under tight scrutiny in the United States and other nations makes life particularly difficult for any terrorist group. It also makes life hazardous for those who sponsor terrorism in other nations while residing in Western nations. The Tamil Tiger movement is yet again proving to be adept at hiding its stripes and overcoming obstacles placed in their path by the US and other nations by adopting simplistic methods.

On the 23rd of July this year a demonstration has been planned to be held in front of the Senate, ostensibly by the Burmese expatriate groups residing in the United States to condemn Sri Lanka along with Burma for accpeting Chinese military aid to carry out attacks against civillian populations. The planning, funding and brains behind this operation yet again is a group that supports the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.

The Burmese appear to have apparently walked into the well planned event unknowingly, and as a result are likely to become tainted for good by association with the world's number one terror group.
The Tigers have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by associating their cause with that of the Burmese.

The two have nothing in common; the Burmese are a legitimate group struggling against a brutal military junta, while the Tamil Tigers are accomplished criminals who engage in international terrorism in senseless pursuit of a mono-linguistic, racist tamil only landscape. The Burmese have never resorted to violence; in fact they have been on the recieving end of it, whereas the Tamil Tigers have perpetrated crimes that put Al-Quida in the junior league.

The idea is said to be to confuse the American public and elected officials to believe they both are similar. Some folks still under-estimate the intelligence and commitment of the American people to eradicating terrorism from our world..."
[blog comments on]

Concerned Sri Lankans would do well to be aware of these new developments and also to take necessary measures to contact and appraise the expatriate Burmese population as necessary.

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